Courses and group of courses name | ECTS | hours per student |
Heat and Mass Transfers - 4EUS4HMT 5.0 76.0 Modelling and analysis of flows 2 (IEN / ME) - 4EUS4MA2 5.0 60.0 Team Project - 4EUS4PRO 5.0 60.0 Structures and materials (IEN / ME) - 4EUS4STM 5.0 90.0 Electives (optional) Boost'English - 3EU2BOO9 0.0 24.0 Foreign Language 2 - 4EU4LV26 1.0 24.0 Foreign Language 3 - 4EU4LV36 1.0 24.0 Industrial Project - 4EU4PIN8 10.0 280.0 Research Project - 4EU4PRE6 10.0 240.0 - 4EUPIP29 2.0 20.0 - 4EUPMSE9 3.0 40.0