Ense3 rubrique L'Ecole 2022


The project

The FabLab at Green-ER is now a 480m2 space that is entirely dedicated to the realisation of innovative projects around the Ense³'s fields of expertise: water, energy and the environment.

Open since 2019, the Ense³ Fablab is divided into 3 thematic rooms to discover:

  •     The Workshop, for woodworking, metalworking, manual work and complex mechanical creations
  •     The Robotics & Creative area, for electronic creations, but also sewing and embroidery
  •     The Prototyping area, for manufacturing using digital tools, and light mechanical creations

What is a Fablab ?

A Fablab (Fabrication Laboratory) is an open space, where shared tools and machines are available freely, in order to design and produce objects and prototypes. To better understand what a Fablab is and what you can find there, there's nothing like a video explanation by Mr Bidouille, an emblematic figure of Fablabs in France.

The Ense³ Fablab's mission

An open innovation laboratory at the heart of the school
Around manual and digital tools with almost unlimited creative potential (water jet cutting, welding workshop, 3D printers, Arduino, sewing, etc.), students, associations and staff of the school meet to test ideas, design objects, try prototypes and improve them in collaboration with the Fablab community.

A place for personal development
Understanding how objects and digital tools work, learning how to tinker and do things yourself, training on a machine, sharing knowledge, trying things out, making mistakes, starting over... The Fablab is a place for education through practice.

A space to think differently about "Doing"
The Fablab is inspired by the Low-Tech approach: developing useful, sober, accessible and sustainable solutions, doing it yourself rather than buying "ready-made", repairing or reproducing a broken part instead of throwing it away, diverting an object from its primary use (upcycling or artistic approach), it is a place to learn other ways of consuming and producing.

A factory of common good
The philosophy of Fablabs is based on free software and OpenSource, in order to allow everyone to take ownership of a project, reuse it, modify and improve it.

The team

Permanent Fabmanagers  :
Stéphane Guillet / Pedagogical manager
Nicolas Manteaux / Technical manager
Alys Grimonet / Technician
Enzo Cuilla / Technician

Associated fabmanagers : 
Ghofrane / Mael / Romain / Adrien / Tristan / Quentin / Timothée / Bastien


Mail : fablab.ense3@grenoble-inp.fr
Tel : 04 76 82 63 19