
Partner laboratories

Ense3 is in contact with a large number of research facilities which work on key domains such as Energy, Water and Environment. Laboratories are involved in the training of our engineers offering research projects, internships, a research based-course or a job. At Ense3 teacher-researchers work in one of our 11 partner laboratories.

Electrical Engineering

Grenoble Electrical Engineering - G2Elab : the laboratory includes a scientific dimensions that ranges from materials and devices to the design and management of electrical energy systems. Its activities can be summarized by the following keywords: electrical energy, materials for electrical engineering, innovative processes and systems, modelling and design.

Fluid mechanics and energy

Laboratoire des Écoulements Géophysiques et Industriels - LEGI : the laboratory carries out a wide range of research activities with a common ground: fluid mechanics and related transport phenomena. It develops fundamental research areas to address major scientific challenges facing fluid mechanics today.
Rhéologie et procédés

Matter and flow

Laboratoire Rhéologie et Procédés – LRP : Its research activities include complex fluid mechanics, with a focus on multiphase fluids and microfluidic approaches, and process engineering, with recognized expertise in ultrasonic intensification and extensive work around biosourced composites.

Geomechanics, civil engineering and risks

Sols, solides, structures, risques - 3SR : it conducts cutting-edge research in Solid Mechanics, research that affects the fields of structural engineering, structures and materials for civil engineering, transport, manufacturing industry or health. Research is based on experimentation as well as modelling, both at the material and structural levels.

Environmental Geosciences

Institute of Environmental Geosciences – IGE: the laboratory conducts research on climate and the anthropization of our planet, particularly in regions where societal and environmental issues are most prevalent: the polar regions, the intertropical zone, and mountainous regions.

Electrochemistry and process engineering

Laboratory of Electrochemistry and Physical-Chemistry of Materials and Interfaces – LEPMI: it brings together expertise in most areas of electrochemistry, particularly in electrochemical energy production and storage and photovoltaics, by combining materials science and electrochemical engineering.

Image, Speech, Signal, Automatic

Grenoble Images Speech Signal and Control - GIPSA-lab: it conducts both basic and applied research on complex signals and systems - automatic control, signal and images processing, speech and cognition. It develops projects in the strategic areas of energy, environment, communication, intelligent systems, life and health and language engineering.

Design and Optimization for Production

Sciences pour la conception, l'Optimisation et la Production - G-SCOP: the laboratory was created to meet the scientific challenges posed by  ongoing changes within the industrial world. Its scope ranges from product conception to production systems management and is based on strong optimization skills.


SIMaP laboratory: its researchers are from the fields of chemistry, physics, mechanical properties of materials and fluids and thermals and work on the conception of processes and synthesis of materials. SiMaP is one the leading laboratories for physical metallurgy and thermodynamics as well as architectural materials.

Applied Economics

Grenoble Applied Economy Laboratory - GAEL: its main focus is the microeconomics of sustainable innovation and consumption, with results mainly applied to the fields of energy and agroindustry. Research is structured along three main axes: consumption, energy and innovation.

Subatomic Physics and Cosmology

Laboratory of Subatomic Physics & Cosmology    - LPSC: the aim of its research is to improve our knowledge of the most elementary particles and the forces that govern their interactions. It helps to broaden our understanding of the universe, its structure and its evolution.

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