The capital of the old Dauphiné region has a unique setting, within easy striking distance of France's best skiing. Whether you're into extreme sports or walking on the wild side, Grenoble has plenty to offer.
But Grenoble is also known as cosmopolitan and open-minded. The City has also developed a reputation as a leading research centre. There are plenty of opportunities to be had in getting to know industrialists, researchers and other students.
Key Facts
Young, well-qualified population
- 33% of population under 25 years
- No. 2 in France for engineers, as a percentage of total employment
- No. 1 in France for research
Higher education and research
- 27,800 jobs in research
- 70,000 students
- International research facilities: ESRF, ILL, EMBL, IRAM, GHMFL
- 9 national research organizations: CEA, CEN, CNRS, CSTB, INRA, INRIA, INSERM, IRD, IRSTEA
Diversified economic fabric
- 495,200 jobs of which 182,900 jobs in Industry & Business Services
International dimension
- 7200 international students
- 550 foreign-owned companies, representing 42,000 jobs; 24% are US-owned
- 45% students in PhD are foreigners
- International reception facilities—free of charge international schooling
Grenoble, the second most innovative European city
On 11 March 2014, the results of "iCapitale" (competition for the European capital of innovation launched by the European Commission in September 2013) were published. Grenoble was selected second most innovative city in Europe behind Barcelona.
And Forbes has ranked Grenoble as the 5th most innovative city in the world
Learn more
Grenoble still top as the best place in France to be a student
Grenoble comes first as the place where it is good to study for the magazine l'Étudiant
For the 7th year running, the magazine l'Étudiant has published its list of the top university towns in France. In its ranking of 42 towns each with more than 8,000 students, Grenoble again comes out first as the place where it is good to study!