Training excellence
By drawing on the academic excellence of our teaching expertise, our high-level technological platforms as well as the expertise of our research laboratory, we provide training programmes for master students and PhD in their field.
Students, professors, and the administrative and technical staff are contributors to and benefactors of society. We nurture close relationships with companies and research laboratories and support local economic development by establishing projects in specific territories. By welcoming a significant proportion of international students and conducting research outside our borders, we place international collaboration at the heart of our activity.
Environmental responsability
For us, engineering must include preservation of the environment. In the projects we lead, in the solutions we develop, and in our daily behavior, we aim to reduce our environmental impacts.
Innovation, passion, and responsible citizenship
Students, professors, and the administrative and technical staff of Grenoble INP - Ense³ wish to always be looking beyond and developing solutions that take on the challenges our society faces. Mobilized by our engagements, we are committed to making our school a place that promotes meeting with professionals and engaging in dialogue with the general public. We use our resources and competencies in order to serve our community through technological and social innovation.