Ense3 rubrique Vie étudiante 2022

Disability Resources

Disability support

UGA supports students with disabilities throughout their university studies.

►Do you think you have a disability and need adjustments for your classes and/or exams?
►Do you need :
- Extra time for exams ?
- Note-taking support?
- Specialized equipment ?

Accompanying disability procedure
Make your request for assistance online on the website of the Service Accueil Handicap (SAH)
►Make an appointment with an approved doctor who will authorize your disability support program.
- Grenoble: University Health Centre
- Valence : Health Centre Valence
►The Service Accueil Handicap will work with you to draw up your support plan.
►Your department/school will decide on the best possible adjustments.

Website : Students with disabilities - Student portal - Université Grenoble Alpes (univ-grenoble-alpes.fr)

Disability support contacts

For any questions :
Disability contact at Grenoble-INP, Ense3: antoine.le-grand@grenoble-inp.fr

Service Accueil Handicap : 04 76 74 85 75 accueil-sah@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr

Make an appointment with an approved doctor:

Centre de Santé Universitaire : 04 76 18 79 79
Centre de Santé Jeunes Valence : 04 75 56 62 11

- Bâtiment MUSE - 80 allée Ampère - Domaine Universitaire - 38400 Saint Martin-d 'Hères 
- Access :Tram B et C: Station Gabriel Fauré MUSE

Opening hours

- Monday
10h - 12h / 13h30 - 17h00

- Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday
8h30 - 12h00 / 13h30 - 17h00

- Friday
8h30 - 12h00