Number of hours
- Lectures -
- Projects -
- Tutorials 240.0
- Internship -
- Laboratory works -
- Written tests -
ECTS 10.0
The main objective of the Research Project is to offer second year students a first experience of research work in a partner laboratory of the school and the opportunity to acquire engineering skills through research training.
The early initiation to the world of Research can thus enable students to better understand the resolution of complex problems by mastering the methodology developed classically in a research structure.
This project associated with a research program proposed by a teacher-researcher or a researcher in a laboratory, will allow the student to become familiar with the research environment, the scientific approach associated with Research and to use his technical and scientific skills to respond to a given problem.
The research work may consist in contributing to the development of an experimental model to validate a theoretical concept, to carry out numerical simulations, to design a technical solution to answer the project's problematic.
The school is committed to accompanying the students throughout the project thanks to the monitoring of two coordinators.
Christophe BERENGUER
The duration of the project covers 240 hours of project per student: over the semester, students have 120 hours in their timetable (2 half-days, or 8 hours, of laboratory attendance each week) and 120 hours of personal work (8 hours per week, throughout semester 4).
A UE of the compulsory course followed by the student will be given to carry out the research project. The choice of this UE will be discussed between the student and the person in charge of his/her training according to the themes addressed in the project, the general course of study and the student's professional project. A pedagogical contract will have to be signed and deposited at the School within the first 15 days of the second semester.
During the project, the students will have to organize themselves to carry out the following tasks:
- Understand the problematic of the research project and in particular the scientific locks
- To position the problematic of the project in its state of the art by carrying out a bibliographical study.
- Identify the different stages of a research project
- Propose possible solutions and analyze their relevance with the coaching team.
- Use its skills to provide concrete solutions to the problem at hand.
- Present and analyze the relevance and perspectives of the work performed
- Ensure the transmission of knowledge for the sustainability of the project.
In absolute terms, the student must demonstrate at the end of the project his ability to manage a research project and more generally his technical skills, and must show a professional behaviour in line with the expectations of a future engineer.
The students will have to implement a project management adapted to a Research project, in order to ensure the smooth running of the project. Despite the specificities of a research project, they will follow the project management course proposed to all 2nd year students (one lecture session and one TD).
Several reports will be planned to ensure the smooth running of the project:
-Reporting 1 (mid-February): an oral presentation will ensure that the students have a good understanding of the issues and expectations of the project.
-Reporting 2 (beginning of April): a synthesis report and an oral presentation will evaluate the capacity of the team to position its subject in its state of the art (bibliographical study) and will allow to verify the good progress of the project. A first mark will be given to the students.
-Final defense (end of May): this oral evaluation associated with the writing of a final report, intended for the researcher carrying out the project, will close the research project.
- Specific credits: this course brings 11.0 ECTS to students in Year 1 Master Hydraulics and Civil Engineering (M1 HCE)
Session normale / First session
ER=Evaluation rattrapable / ER assessment : 50% rapport écrit + 50% soutenance orale et restitution sous forme de poster ou autre support numérique / 50% written report + 50% oral defense and presentation of a poster or video
EN=Evaluation non rattrapable: évaluation du travail réalisé au cours projet / Assessment of the work realized during the project
Session de rattrapage / Second session
ER : la note obtenue en session 2 remplace la note ER session 1 / new report/defense to replace ER assessment
EN : évaluation non rattrapable / retaking EN assessment is not possible
Le travail personnel est essentiellement consacré au déroulement du projet : 120h de travail personnel à prévoir et à intégrer à la gestion de projet.
- Pour les étudiants ingénieur : le projet recherche (10 ECTS) s'effectue en remplacement de l'UE 4EUS4PRO Team Project / Projet d'ingénierie (5ECTS) et d'une UE du semestre 8 à définir en accord avec le responsable d'année/filière en fonction des thématiques abordées dans le projet, du cursus général de la formation et du projet professionnel de l’élève. Cet aménagement devra faire l'objet d'un contrat pédagogique signé par le responsable d'année/filière et l'élève puis déposé au service scolarité de l'école.
- For master SGB students : the module 4EU4PRE6 Research Project count for 10 ECTS and replace 4EUS4PRO Team Project (5 ECTS) + 1 module of 5 ECTS in semester 8 to be defined with agreement of responsible for M1 SGB.
- For master HCE students : the module 4EU4PRE6 Research Project count for 11 ECTS and replace 4EUS4PRO Team Project (6 ECTS) + WEU2INT6 Internship/Project (5 ECTS)
Moyenne de l’UE / Course Unit assessment = EN 50% + ER 50%
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - Master inter SGB - Semester 8
- Curriculum - Master's Degree in Engineering ASI - Semester 8
- Curriculum - Master's Degree in Engineering IEN - Semester 8
- Curriculum - Master's Degree in Engineering HOE - Semester 8
- Curriculum - Master's Degree in Engineering IEE - Semester 8
- Curriculum - Master's Degree in Engineering ME - Semester 8
- Curriculum - Master's Degree in Engineering SEM - Semester 8
- Curriculum - Master inter HCE - Semester 8
Course ID : 4EU4PRE6
Course language(s):
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