
Master's Degree in Engineering Grenoble INP - Ense3, Automatic control and Intelligent Systems (ASI)


Unknown label

National Master of Engineering Degree
  • Degree awarded Master
  • Graduation year Bac + 5
  • Graduation level Level 7
  • Location
    • GRENOBLE Scientific Polygon
  • Duration 3 years (6 semesters)
  • Available as
    • Initial education
    • Continuing education


Automatic control and Intelligent Systems is a program that provides skills in modeling, simulation and control design of cyber-physical systems. That is, a system where computer elements collaborate for the control and monitoring of physical entities. This program also aims to make these systems more intelligent, optimized and automated. These same systems are thus safer, better diagnosed and monitored.
This master program leads to many jobs in the energy, transport sectors, particularly in the automotive and aerospace sectors, as well as in the environment and industrial processes.


This program is a two-year (120 ECTS) Engineering Program covering the following skills:

  • Analysis, modeling and simulation of dynamical systems,
  • Design and optimization of controlled systems,
  • Design of embedded control systems,
  • System supervision, monitoring and reconfiguration,
  • Acquisition and signal processing,
  • Personal development,
  • Management and industrial engineering.

manipulation ​​​​​​​

  • Training partners



    • G2Elab,
    • GIPSA-lab
    • G-SCOP


    Technological platforms

    • Predis (AIDA, Vercors)
    • AIP


    Associated companies

    Actia, Actemium, Alstom, Areva, Atos Origin, Bosch, Cnes, DCN, Delphi, EADS, EDF, Framatome, IFP, PSA, Renault, RTE, Safran, Sames Technologies, Schneider Electric, Shell, SNCF, SNR, Thales, ST Microelectronics, Total, Valeo.


  • Who should apply? Bac + 2, Bac + 3, Bac + 4
  • Available as :
    • Initial education
    • Continuing education

Entry requirements

To be admitted into Year 1 (at two years of post-secondary study)
Students must have completed two years of preparatory courses (science-track or Institute of Technology common preparatory program) or have earned an undergraduate degree from a university (in France, mainly DUT or L2).

To be admitted into Year 2
Bachelor of Science or engineering in electrical or mechanical engineering.
Minimum level of English of TOEFL 550 or equivalent (e.g. TOEIC, IELTS)

Apply now

Visit the Apply section of the school’s website


General information

International Relations Ense3

Academic information


Education contact

Mail contact or +33 (0)476 827 165


  • Course duration 3 years (6 semesters)
  • Internships abroad


1st year 

Year 1 core curriculum

2nd year

3rd year

Elective semester
Semester 9 can be completed in one of two cross-disciplinary programs that concern all majors:

Semester 10

The final semester of the Grenoble INP-Ense3 course is exclusively dedicated to the End of Studies Project. 

This occurs from February to June, either overseas or in France, in a research laboratory or in industry. This allows students to use the methods and knowledge they have acquired in a professional environment. They will experience engineering working methods, how to manage a project, how to test solutions and develop their autonomy and initiative.

The End of Studies Project also develops their sense of responsibility by submitting them to a demand for results within a pre-determined time frame. The student engineer is required to produce a report and an oral presentation on their project to a jury.

Board of examiners

Each semester is worth 30 ECTS credits, spread out over the different courses completed. Students must obtain a grade of at least 10/20 in each course to obtain the credits.


  • Language of instruction French
  • Internship abroad Yes
  • Erasmus areas Electrical engineering, Computer science

International exchange

Students in this major benefit from many agreements between Grenoble Institute of Technology and partners around the globe in the form of exchange programs, dual-degree programs, internships, and more.
Visit the International section of the school’s website

Information on available scolarships

Are you a foreign student with a Master level qualification wanting to study at one of the six engineering Schools of the Grenoble Institute of Technology? You can find all the funding schemes available for you course in Grenoble on our website at Grenoble INP.


  • Graduation year Bac + 5
  • Graduation level Level 7

Expected learning outcomes

  • Analysis, modeling and simulation of dynamical systems,
  • Design and optimization of controlled systems,
  • Design of embedded control systems,
  • System supervision, monitoring and reconfiguration,
  • Acquisition and signal processing,
  • Personal development, Management and industrial engineering.

Further learning opportunities

Education through research

Year 3 students planning to go on to a PhD program can earn a dual degree with another Master’s program relevant to their first major within the Grenoble University system.

French State controlled diploma conferring a Master's degree

diplôme conférant grade de master contrôlé par l'Etat

Your contacts for academic information


An internship in France or another country is required.