Number of hours
- Lectures 32.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials 12.0
- Internship -
- Laboratory works 16.0
ECTS 5.0
First part: fluvial dynamics.
Understand the physics and the modeling of unsteady flows in the rivers and canals (propagation of the tide, floods and of rapidly varying flows in the rivers and canals). Saint Venant equation formulation.
Design the volume of retention dams for flood protection.
Understanding the links between the physical reality, its perception and its modeling.
Brief presentation of the market software properties dealing with this problem.
Second part: sediment transport.
Students will become acquainted with the pluridisciplinary aspects of this topic.
Student will be asked to master: the concept and the quantitave determination of sediment mouvement inception, computation of sediment transport rates, the concept of sedimentary equilibrium (river bed slope, grain size distributions), engineering tools of the field
First part: fluvial dynamics.
1.- Introduction on the floods and floodings. Relinders on open channel hydraulics Hydraulics.
2.- One-dimensional free surface flows: the Barré de Saint-Venant PDE equations. Physical meaning of the different terms of the equations. Mathematical properties: the characteristics and the invariants.
3.- Physics of floods and their modeling. Kinematic and diffusive approximation. Example: the deterministic runoff.
4.- Flood alleviating structures: physical principles and optimisation of dams by a costs-benefits analysis
5.- Rapidly varying unsteady open channel flows dominates by inertia: shock and rarefaction waves. Sudden stop of a flow and dam breakage.
Second part: sediment transport.
1. Fundamental concepts: the various modes of sediment transport, the materials, introduction to river morphology.
2. Elementary analysis of the bed-load mechanism: threshold conditions of sediment movement, sensitivity of Meyer-Peter and Muller formula. The Einstein formula
3. 1D analysis of sediment transport: predictive formulaes and their range of applicability.
4. Deeper in the mechanisms of the sediment transport: transport in suspension, grain roughness, shape roughness, dune and bed forms, secondary currents, transported grain size distribution and bottom grain size distribution, grain size sorting by the flow, hiding effects & armoring.
5. Morphological changes
- Open channel hydraulics
- Fluid mechanics and turbulence
- Hyperbolic partial differential equations (characteristics)
- Statistics
- Specific credits: this course brings 6.0 ECTS to students in Year 2 Master Hydraulics and Civil Engineering (M2 HCE)
Session normale/ First Session
Evaluation non rattrapable (EN) / EN assessment : 2 TP et 1 BE
Evaluation rattrapable (ER) / ER assessment: 1 épreuve écrite de 3h/ written examination 3h
Session de rattrapage/ 2nd Session
La note obtenue remplace la note de ER / Another written exam will replace the first one (ER)
Le EN n'est pas rattrapable / No retake for EN
EN 30% + ER 70%
The exam may be taken in french or in english
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - Master inter HCE - Semester 9 (this course is given in english only
- Curriculum - Master's Degree in Engineering HOE - Semester 9 (this course is given in english only
Course ID : 5EUS5DYF
Course language(s):
You can find this course among all other courses.
1. « Hydraulique et Dynamique Fluviale » Polycopié de G. Degoutte, ENGREF.
2. « The hydraulics of open channel flow: an introduction», H. Chanson, Butterworth-Heinemann, London.
3. « Open Channel Flow » FM Henderson, Prentice Hall
4. « Open Channel Flow » S.C. Jain, John Wiley & Sons