
Research Courses - 5EUS5RE

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 79.0
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials 12.0
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works 16.0


    ECTS 5.0


The main objective of this research course is to allow the students to deepen their expertise in fluid mechanics by choosing 2 courses among 4 proposed within the framework of the second year of the Research Master “Fluid Mechanics & Energetics” (http://master-mfe.grenoble-inp.fr/teaching/). Besides, a senstitization to the reseach is given by participating at seminaries or thesis defenses.
Following the research course greatly improves the chances to be granted of a thesis scholarship for engineer graduate.




The research course is composed by 2 courses to be chosen among the 4 following courses of the second year of the MFE Research Master (courses conducted in English with course materials in English):

  • Numerical simulation and modelling of turbulent flows (24H, O. Métais or G. Balarac)
  • Cavitation (24H, JP Franc & C. Pellone)
  • Hydrodynamical stability (24H, JB Flor)
  • Microfluidics and interfaces (24H, L. Davoust)

and by the participation to 3 seminaries (LEGI, Rheology and Process Laboratory, LiPhy,…) or thesis defenses thematically relevant.


Session normale / First session
Evaluation non rattrapable (EN)/ EN assessment : la note de contrôle continue est établie comme la moyenne des notes suivantes :

  • une note en microfluidics & nanofluidics : 1 rapport avec les TD/BE sous comsol adossés au cours / a mark in microfluidics & nanofluidics: 1 report with the TD/BE under comsol supported by the course
  • une note de présentation d'article en turbulence / one paper presentation grade in turbulence
  • deux notes : 1 devoir à  la maison + 1 oral de présentation d'article en hydrodynamic stability / two marks: 1 homework assignment + 1 oral paper presentation in hydrodynamic stability
    Evaluation rattrapable(ER) / ER assessment : 3 DS de 2H (ME) ou 4 DS de 2h (M2-FME) destinés à  vérifier l'acquisition individuelle de concepts clés et la maà®trise des outils d'analyse pour les cours suivis. / 3 exams of 2 hours (ME) or 4 DS of 2 hours (M2-FME) intended to verify the individual acquisition of key concepts and the mastery of the analysis tools for the courses followed.

Session de rattrapage / Second session
La note obtenue remplace la note de ER. Le EN n'est pas rattrapable. / The new mark will replace the first one (ER). No resitting for the EN exam.

  • Une note de présentation d'article en turbulence / One paper presentation mark in turbulence
  • Deux notes : 1 devoir à  la maison + 1 oral de présentation d'article en hydrodynamic stability /Two marks: 1 homework assignment + 1 oral paper presentation in hydrodynamic stability

Note de l'UE complète = (note DS + note contrôle continu)/2 /Grade for the whole course = (DS grade + EN assessment grade)/2


  • Specific credits: this course brings 12.0 ECTS to students in Year 2 Master Fluid Mechanics and Energetics (M2 FME)

EN 50% + ER 50%

The exam is given in english only FR


The course exists in the following branches:

see the course schedule for 2024-2025

Additional Information

Course ID : 5EUS5RE
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.

French State controlled Master's degree

diplôme national de master contrôlé par l'Etat