Ense3 rubrique Formation 2022

Mechanics: Fluid Mechanics and Energetics - FME



National diploma
  • Degree awarded Master
  • Duration 1-year program


Our international master in Fluid Mechanics and Energetics academic program includes advanced courses in fluid mechanics, heat transfers, and transport phenomena. You will have the opportunity to apply your knowledge thanks to a 5 to 6 months internship conducted in a laboratory or industrial research center.


Our Master degree in Fluid Mechanics and Energetics encompasses advanced courses in fluid mechanics and applications in:
• Energy (turbo-machinery, nuclear energy, oil industry)
• Sustainable energy (wind or solar energy) and development involving hydraulics (rivers,off-shore and marine science),
• Transport phenomena and combustion in aerodynamics or space sciences,
• Chemical engineering and transport phenomena in: microfluidics with bio-assays, biotechnologies, MEMS or actuators,
• Metallurgy,
• Petroleum, oil & gas industry.

Our high-level training is given based on thorough scientific and technological knowledge.

Why choose the master?
• Build excellent technical and scientific skills in fluid mechanics and energetics
• Deepen your knowledge thanks to practical work and lecture from our expert professors and researchers
• Outstanding research and industry ecosystem in Grenoble, cradle of hydroelectricity and home of world leading laboratories, research centers and industrial assets
• International study environment with students coming from all parts of the world
• Energy transition city in the heart of the Alps, Grenoble was elected European Green Capital 2022

  • Training partners


    • Laboratoire des Ecoulements Géophysiques et Industriels (LEGI)
    • SIMAP laboratory - EPM Group
    • Géosciences de l'environnement (IGE)
    • LiPhy Laboratory
    • Laboratoire de Rhéologie
    • Laboratoire d'Electrostatique et de Matériaux Diélectriques (LEMD)
    • Centre Technique du Papier (CTP)
    • Département des Technologies pour la Biologie et la Santé (DTBS)
    • Service d'Etudes et de Modélisation Thermohydraulique (SMTH)
    • Service d'Etudes Thermohydrauliques Expérimentales (SETEX)
    • Groupement pour la Recherche sur les Echanges Thermiques (GRETH)
    • Service des Basses Températures (SBT)
    • Centre de Recherche sur les Très Basses Températures (CRTBT)
    • Centre National du Machinisme Agricole, du Génie Rural et des eaux et Forêts (CEMAGREF)



    • Snecma,
    • Hispano-Suiza,
    • Dassault Aviation,
    • EADS,
    • ONERA,
    • Aeroconseil
    • Airbus,
    • PSA,
    • Renault,
    • Valeo…


Entry requirements

Applications for the 2025-2026 intake are open from October 15th 2024 until May 15th 2025.

  ► Application requirements:

  • Academic requirements:
    - Bachelor or Engineering degree in the fields of fluid mechanics, chemical engineering, physics or applied mathematics, provided they already demonstrated a significant level in fluid mechanics.
    - You should be at minimum in your 4th year of higher education (either in Master 1st or Bachelor 4th).
    - Your GPA should be at least 3 out of 4 (or 4 out of 5) on the core subjects related to the master.
  • English language requirement:
- You must have the equivalent of a B2 (CEFR) level and provide one of the following test: TOEFL IBT: 72 and upper  / TOEFL ITP: 543 and upper / TOEIC Listening and reading: 785 and upper / TOEIC speaking and writing : 160 and upper /  IELTS: 5.5 and upper
- If English is your education language you do not need to provide a language test but you must provide a certificate from your university stating that English is the medium of instruction was English during your studies.
- If you are native from an English-speaking country, you do not need to provide any document.

The Master FME is a highly competitive academic program (duration: one year, M2 level). Applicants selection is done on the basis of prior academic and/or scientific achievement as documented by their academic background and results.

For students with a foreign degree, applications are definitely authorized by the Committee for Academic Accreditation at Grenoble university (CVA). Several meetings are organized several times a year (February, March, April, May, June) to select applications from abroad.
► Application:
Application link: https://applicationform.grenoble-inp.fr/FSA2/676?lang=en

Required documents to upload on the platform:
- Language certificate or certificate of studies in English (unless English native)
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- All academic grade transcripts available (bachelor or engineering degree)
- Diploma or certificate of achievement, or letter with graduation date if you have not yet graduated
- Cover letter
- Recommendation letter(s)

Students who reside in one of the following countries have also to apply throught the "Etudes en France" procedure : Algeria, Argentina, Benin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi Cameroon, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, the Republic of the Congo, South Korea, Ivory Coast, Egypt, United States, Gabon, Guinea, Haïti, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Mauritania, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Senegal, Democratic Republic of Congo, Russia, Senegal, Singapore, Taiwan, Tchad, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey and Vietnam.

Data to mention possibly for selecting FME master in the proposed list:
Master rech. Sciences, technologies, santé mention mecanique, energétique et ingenierie specialite mecanique des fluides et energetique
Reference : 21730-3675(UJF) or 21730-17150 (INP)


  ► Tuition fees:

Tuition rates for academic year 2023/24
  • For European students (European Union, European Economic Area, Andorra or Switzerland) and for students from Quebec fees will be: €243 per year*
  • For non EU-students fees will be: €3770 per year*

*Fees are indicative for the current academic year, pease note that all students will also have to pay the campus tax of €100 (Contribution Vie Étudiante et de Campus) upon enrollment.

Scholarships: you can find information on: https://www.grenoble-inp.fr/en/academics/incoming-scholarships

*The international office will apply on your behalf to the IDEX and Eiffel scholarship programmes. We therefore kindly ask you to refrain from sending a separate application to these programmes.

► Getting organized
For information on housing, daily life, visas: getting-organized


Academic information

Program Director

Administrative Contact
International Relations Ense3


  • Course duration 1-year program
  • Internships mandatory


First semester

Academic program
The first semester (30 ECTS) is restricted to theoretical lectures and examinations. Fundamental and specialized lectures may be completed by personnal projects.

Second semester 

 The second semester (30 ECTS) is a master thesis whose aim is the development of research abilities. It can be conducted in a laboratory or an industrial research center, in France or abroad. The duration is between 5 and 6 months. The defense takes place  by the beginnning of July or the beginning of september. The report must follow standard criteria of a scientific paper.

The primarily scientific contents of the master thesis englobes at least one of the following topics: fluid mechanics, energetics, chemical engineering, heat or mass transfer, multiphysics coupling including at least one transport phenomena, etc..



Job Opportunities:

At the end of the curriculum, students are able to
  • propose technical specifications
  • perform and analyse tests on a physical model or within an industrial process
  • derive and apply global and local numerical models
  • conceive prototypes, new products or new processes
  • propose and conduct an applied research project
for hydromechanical, hydraulic and energy systems


  • Design engineer
  • Test engineer
  • Simulation engineer
  • Manager of a production unit
  • Research and development engineer…

Business Sectors:

  • Conventional and renewable energies
  • Transportation
  • Industrial hydraulics
  • Oil Engineering
  • Process engineering
  • Industrial heat transfer…

Further learning opportunities

Graduated students are encouraged to do a PhD in the framework of I-MEP2 PhD School.

This master degree allows graduated students to find a job in public and private laboratories as well as in industrial research centres.