Number of hours
- Lectures 30.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials -
- Internship -
- Laboratory works 30.0
ECTS 5.0
The main purpose of this course is to give a thorough introduction to system monitoring, diagnosis and safety & reliability
Christophe BERENGUER
1) Introduction to systems monitoring and safety : main issues and challenges
2) Probabilistic approaches of surveillance - Change Detection & Decision Theory :Statistical tools : estimation & detection tools ; Abrupt change detection problem : definition, signals, abrupt changes, and real-time approach ; Signals with independent samples : mean and variance change detection, CuSum, GLR, and 2-model approach algorithms, multivariate signals ; Signals with dependent samples. Labworks : real time implementation of change detection algorithms on experimental data
3) Model-based Diagnosis : Introduction, basic concepts, motivation and preliminaries: fault detection and isolation and its use for fault-tolerance and complex systems monitoring and safety. Process models and fault modelling. Presentation of the different approaches and focus on the model-based approach. ; Fault detection with parity equations - Static and dynamic cases: Analytical redundancy, parity equations and generation of residuals. Enhanced and structured residuals. Properties and analysis of residual signals ; Fault detection and isolation with state observers and state estimation. Unknown inputs observers. Observers banks.
4) Systems reliability : Probabilistic failure models and lifetime modelling ; Reliability modelling and analysis of systems of independent components (Fault Tree Analysis, Reliability Block Diagrams, Event Tree Analysis, Structure Function, Minimal Cutsets, Importance Measures) ; Markov processes for systems reliability modelling (systems with dependent components, passive redundancies, tested components, ...) ; Reliability of maintained systems and maintenance policies modelling ; Reliability of safety instrumented systems (IEC 61508)
5) Advanced lab projects on systems monitoring
Basics of statistics and probability, a first course in signal processing, a first course in control theory
Session normale / First session
Evaluation rattrapable (ER) / ER assessment : devoir surveillé écrit de 3h (éventuellement en 2 parties 1h+2h)) / 3 hours supervised written exam (possibly in two parts 1h+2h)
Evaluation non rattrapable (EN) / EN assessment : évaluation sur 3 groupes de BE (50% de la note EN et 1 projet (50% de la note EN) / 3 sets of BE (for a total of 50% of EN) and 1 project (50% of EN)
Si situation 100% distancielle / If distant learning mandatory:
Evaluation rattrapable (ER) / ER assessment : 3h d'examen écrit à distance / 3 hours homework
Evaluation non rattrapable (EN) / EN assessment : évaluation sur 3 groupes de BE (50% de la note EN et 1 projet (50% de la note EN) / 3 sets of BE (for a total of 50% of EN) and 1 project (50% of EN)
Session de rattrapage / Second session
EN : Evaluation non rattrapable / EN assessment: Retaking this assessment is not possible
Moyenne de l'UE / Course Unit assessment = ER 50% + EN 50%
The exam is given in english only
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - Master's Degree in Engineering IEE - Semester 9 (this course is given in english only
- Curriculum - Master inter MARS - Semester 9 (this course is given in english only
- Curriculum - Master's Degree in Engineering ASI - Semester 9 (this course is given in english only
Course ID : 5EUS5SDR
Course language(s):
You can find this course among all other courses.
*Marvin Rausand, Arnljot Hoyland, System Reliability Theory - Models, Statistical Methods and Applications. Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics. 2004.
*J.D. Andrews, T.R. Moss, Reliability and Risk Assessment. Longman Scientific & Technical. 1993
*M. Modarres, What every engineer should know about Reliability and Risk Analysis. Marcel Dekker. 1993
*R. B. Randall. Vibration-based condition monitoring. John Wiley & sons Ltd, 2011.
*R. Isermann, Fault-Diagnosis Systems - An Introduction from Fault Detection to Fault Tolerance. Springer, 2006.