Ense3 rubrique Formation 2022

Mechanical and electrical actuators - 4EU3ME16

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 26.0
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials 2.0
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works 32.0


    ECTS 5.0


In a fisrt time, have general knowledges about:
*electrical machines
*hydraulic machines
*power electronics converters

In a second time, obtain models of such systems so as to design control lows.




Power electronics:
*basics of switching phenonenon
*power electronics components (active and passive devices)
*power electronics famillies: DC-DC, DC-AC, AC-DC, AC-AC
*dynamic modelling

Hydraulic actuators and systems :
*Structure of a hydraulic circuit and hydraulic control system.
*Hydraulic generations.
*Hydraulic Actuators: motors and hydraulic cylinders (technologies, static and dynamic characteristics).
*Servo and proportionnal valve (technologies, static and dynamic characteristics).

Electrical machines:
*Synchronuous and Induction machines: modelling
*Vector control of synchronuous and induction machines


Power electronics:
*solid state physics
*automatic first-year courses

Hydraulic machines:
*Fluid Mechanics and automatic first-year courses.

Electrical machines:
*power electronics (PWM rectifier and inverter).
*automatic first-year courses
*state-space modelling


Session normale / First session
Evaluation rattrapable (ER) / ER assessment : devoir surveillé écrit de 3h / 3 hours supervised written exam
Evaluation non rattrapable (EN) / EN assessment : 1 compte rendu de BE par partie (3 partie) / 3 Lab reports

Si situation 100% distancielle / If distant learning mandatory:
Evaluation rattrapable (ER) / ER assessment : 2h d'examen écrit à  distance / 2 hours homework
Evaluation non rattrapable (EN) / EN assessment : 1 compte rendu de BE par partie (3 parties) / 3 Lab reports

Session de rattrapage / Second session
EN : Evaluation non rattrapable / EN assessment: Retaking this assessment is not possible

Moyenne de l'UE / Course Unit assessment = ER 50% + EN 50%


The course exists in the following branches:

see the course schedule for 2023-2024

Additional Information

Course ID : 4EU3ME16
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.