Number of hours
- Lectures 40.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials 4.0
- Internship -
- Laboratory works 16.0
ECTS 5.0
Water Quality and Water Treatment module
- Understanding and modeling pollutions transfer processes on natural ponds & urbanized area
- Understandind their impact on the natural and urban environment
- Developing strategies in terms of planning and pollution control to limit these impacts
- Ensuring the production of water suitable for various uses (domestic, industrial, ...).
Philippe SECHET
An integrated approach is taken, starting from upstream (on the watershed) and going downstream (towards the receiving waters in the natural environment). This module is divided into three parts: (i) water quality (ii) Waste Water Treatment using bioprocesses (iii) Water Treatment using Physical and Chemical means.
This module is organized around courses and tutored work. It includes applications concerning biogeochemical modeling of rivers and sizing of different unit processes in order to treat water.
A project helps to synthesize and link the different topics taught in this module in a more integrated way. These tutorials and project correspond roughly to 30% of the module (including 20 hours of personal work in addition to classical course sessions)
PrerequisitesBases on Transport Phenomena (Convection-Dispersion-Reaction Equation)(Cf S1, Advanced Fluid Mechanics module).
The module is largely self-consistent on the other points. However, certain items included in this module are discussed in: Hydrology for Engineers (S3) Hydraulics (S3), Geoenvironment (S4) Environmental systems (Hydrosystèmes) (S4)
- Specific credits: this course brings 6.0 ECTS to students in Elective courses
Session normale / First session
- Evaluation non rattrapable (EN)/ EN assessment: 2 TP, 1 Projet/ 2 labs , 1 project
- Evaluation rattrapable (ER) / ER assessment: devoir surveillé écrit de 3h / hours supervised written exam (3h)
Si situation 100% distancielle / If distant learning mandatory:
- Evaluation non rattrapable (EN)/ EN assessment: 2 TP, 1 Projet/ 2 labs , 1 project
- Evaluation rattrapable (ER) / ER assessment : Examen(s) écrit(s) à distance en temps limité / Homework(s) over a limited duration
Session de rattrapage / 2nd Session
La note obtenue remplace la note d'évaluation rattrapable ER/ Another written exam will replace the first one (ER)
EN : Evaluation non rattrapable / EN assessment: Retaking this assessment is not possible
TPNE / Personal work
Des exercices sont disponibles sur Chamillo et/ou donnés en cours. Ils doivent être mis à profit pour illustrer certains éléments de cours non utilisés au cours du projet notamment. Les corrigés seront fournis en ligne avant l'examen / Exercises are available on Chamillo and/or given in class. They should be used to illustrate certain course elements not used during the project. Corrections will be provided online prior to the exam.
ER 50% + EN 50% (Note EN = 50% projet + 25% TP1 + 25% TP2/Mark for EN : 50% project + 25% labwork1 + 25% labwork 2)
The exam is given in english only
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - Master's Degree in Engineering IEN - Semester 9 (this course is given in english only
- Curriculum - Master inter HCE - Semester 9 (this course is given in english only
- Curriculum - Master's Degree in Engineering HOE - Semester 9 (this course is given in english only
Course ID : 5EUS5QTE
Course language(s):
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