Ense3 rubrique Formation 2022

UE1 - Improvments in Automatic and Electronic engineering - 3EUS2AAE

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 20.0
    • Tutorials 20.0
    • Laboratory works 16.0


    ECTS 3.0


This Course Unit aims to give some further information in automatic and electronic engineering for students which will work in project on robotics.

Contact Gildas BESANCON, Olivier MICHEL


o Numerical electronics : FPGA, CA/N and CN/A
o Sensor and signals
o frequency domain representation of numerical signals
o state-space system representation
o analysis and control of dynamic systems


Course units of 1st year


Contrôle-continu et DS d'1h

Additional Information

Course list
Curriculum->Tronc commun - 1ère année->Semester 2