Number of hours
- Lectures 18.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials -
- Internship -
- Laboratory works 42.0
ECTS 5.0
- System modeling by one or more of state representations for open-loop and closed continuous time and discrete time systems.
- Analyze the stability, controllability and observability of linear systems.
- Linearize a nonlinear system around an operating point.
- Develop a feedback control with observer (using pole placement or optimization) taking into account the constraints on the control and system output states.
- Provide theoretical and practical basis for the consideration of the numerical aspects in the design and implementation of electronic systems (not for Master Smart Grid and Building - SGB)
- Give theoretical and practical knowledges about Power System components. A lab with basic automation process relaying on delay and relay is executed (SGB only).
Part I:
CM 18h:
• Modeling and canonical forms
• Systems Analysis (stability, controllability, observability, minimality)
• Control via state feedback
• State Observers
• Optimal control
• Examples: energy systems (wind turbines, electric vehicles, etc.)
BE 10h:
Modeling and control of an energy system (eg control the loading of an electric vehicle)
Study of an electromechanical system (wind) 4h
Part II (SGB only): "design and construction of electrical circuits" 28h
- analysis of electrical functions and protections
- coupling of electrical elements
- test and validation on a real test bench
Module de 1A TC « mathématiques – analyse complexe, M6 + module intégrateur de 1A
Session normale / First session
Evaluation non rattrapable (EN) / EN assessment :
- Pour les étudiants SEM / For SEM students : 33% BE "automatique" / "Control part" lab assessment, 67% BE "conception" / "Design" lab assessment
- Pour les étudiants SGB / For SGB students : 33% BE "automatique" / "Control part" lab assessment, 67% BE "cablage" / "wiring lab" assessment
Evaluation rattrapable / ER assessment : 2h épreuve écrite sur la partie "automatique" / 2h written exam on the "Control part"
Si situation 100% distancielle / If distant learning mandatory:
Evaluation rattrapable (ER) / ER assessment : quelques exercices pendant les séances de cours, rapport partie automatique, un rapport de projet et une présentation orale / a few exercices during class, an automatic part report, a project report and an oral presentation.
Evaluation non rattrapable (EN) / EN assessment : les cas de BE "conception" / "Design" lab assessment.
Session de rattrapage / Second session
La note obtenue remplace la note de ER / Another written exam will replace the first one (ER)
Le EN n'est pas rattrapable / No resitting the EN exam.
EN 70% + ER 30%
The exam is given in english only
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - Master inter SGB - Semester 7 (this course is given in english only
- Curriculum - Master's Degree in Engineering SEM - Semester 7 (this course is given in english only
Course ID : 4EUS3CCS
Course language(s):
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