Number of hours
- Lectures 16.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials 16.0
- Internship -
- Laboratory works 8.0
- Written tests -
ECTS 3.0
Fluid Mechanics and Vibrations of Structures
This course aims future students of HOE, IDP, IEN, ME departments.
Jean-Francois BETEAU
Fluid Mechanics and Vibrations of Structures
*Fluid mechanics applied to transport (20h)
**Rotational and irrotational flows
**Equations of motion and boundary conditions
**Come back over the overall form of the equations: mass balance, momentum and energy (TD application)
*#Solutions of ship-Stokes equations
**Permanent unidirectional flows: plane Poiseuille; Plane Couette; axisymmetric flows, circular Poiseuille
*#Nondimensionalization equations and dimensionless numbers of movement
**Example of simplified equations: Equations with thin films
*#Dynamic Similarity
**Dimensionless equations form; similarity parameters
**Examples of similarity: Reynolds, Froude
**Efforts on underwater obstacles: coefficients of drag and lift, flows around a sphere
*Vibrating structures (20h)
PrerequisitesMandatory course units of 1st year of Ense3
Session normale / First session
EN = Evaluation non rattrapable / EN assessment : évaluation des BE /Labs evaluation
ER = Evaluation rattrapable / ER assessment : examen écrit de 3h / 3 hours written exam
Session de rattrapage / Second session
EN : évaluation non rattrapable / retaking EN Assessment is not possible
ER : la note obtenue à la session de rattrapage remplace la note de ER de session normale / new exam to replace ER assessment
Moyenne du cours / Course assessment = EN 20% + ER 80%
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - Year 1 Engineering Bachelor Degree - Semester 6
Course ID : 3EU6IDPI
Course language(s):
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