Number of hours
- Lectures 24.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials -
- Internship -
- Laboratory works 28.0
ECTS 5.0
Knowledge of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) solver with a specific focus on energy systems design. Accurate use of CFD solver needs to well understand modeling of physical process and their numerical resolution (numerical method, turbulence models, multiphase flows, complex geometries, ...). First part of these courses will be a complement of previous academic years in fluid mechanic and numerical methods.
After this first common part, 3 specific courses will be available:
• Specific overview for numerical resolution of thermal hydraulic problems
• Specific overview of meshing and geometric models
• Specific overview on optimization and optimal design
Guillaume BALARAC
Part 1: Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) for the design of energy systems (English course)
• Turbulence model
• Modeling of multiphase flows
• Complex geometries and Verification & Validation in CFD
• Project: analyze of energy systems with commercial CFD code.
Part 2: Specific overview
Option 1: thermal hydraulic problems for nuclear plants. From "systemic" approach (1D / quasi 1D modeling of all the system) to "local" approach (3D-CFD for specific component). Overall methodology will be applied on a simplify case.
Option 2: Geometric models for various application (thermal, fluid, structure, ...): data exchange, model simplification, model optimization
Option 3 « Optimization for the design of energy systems »
Some selected optimization techniques are described in detail to develop an in-depth knowledge of the user-defined parameters upon which the engineer can play in order to maximize the performance of these techniques (faster convergence to a global optimum). Since the course is oriented towards engineering and not mathematical optimization the cost of the optimization process will be carefully analyzed and practicals means to reduce this cost by the use of surrogate models will be proposed and described. Selected optimization techniques will be applied to some multi-objective multi-parameter engineering problems and analysis tools such as parallel coordinates, self-organizing maps will be described and also applied. Techniques for robust design optimization will be finally reviewed in order to avoid selecting an over-sensitive optimal design. The lectures hours will systematically alternate with lab work sessions in Matlab and python programming. Once skilled enough with the optimization alogithms, the students will apply it to the solution of a real-life optimal design problem on which they will write a full technical report.
Good knowledge in fluid mechanic (turbulent and laminar flows), heat transfer, basic in numerical simulation for fluid and basic in multiphase flows.
- Specific credits: this course brings 6.0 ECTS to students in Year 2 Master ENTECH (M2 ENTECH)
- Specific credits: this course brings 6.0 ECTS to students in Year 2 Master Fluid Mechanics and Energetics (M2 FME)
Examen destiné à vérifier l'acquisition individuelle de concepts clés et la maitrise des outils d'analyse (1 partie commune, 1 partie fonction de l'option choisie en seconde partie de module).
Projet pour la première partie du module ainsi que pour les 2 options de la seconde partie du module.
Session normale / 1st session
Evaluation rattrapable (ER) / ER assessment :
- 1h épreuve écrite sur la partie commune / written exam on the common part "CFD for the design of energy systems"
- 1h épreuve écrite sur l'option 1 / written exam on option 1 "Optimization for the design of energy systems"
Evaluation non rattrapable (EN) / EN assessment :
- rapport de projets pour la partie commune et les 2 options / project reports on each part and option of the course
- uniquement contrôle continu pour l'option 2 / Only continuous assessment for option 2 "codes thermohydrauliques appliqués à l'énergie nucléaire"
Session de rattrapage / 2nd session
La note obtenue remplace la note de ER. Le EN n'est pas rattrapable.
Another written exam will replace the first one (ER). No retake for EN.
Si/if option 1 : EN 60% + ER 40%
Si/if option 2 : EN 100%
The exam is given in english only
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - M2 FME ENTECH - Semester 9 (this course may be followed in french or in english
- Curriculum - Master's Degree in Engineering ME - Semester 9 (this course may be followed in french or in english
- Curriculum - M2 FME Research - Semester 9 (this course may be followed in french or in english
Course ID : 5EUS5SNA
Course language(s):
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