Volumes horaires
- CM 38.0
- Projet -
- TD 26.0
- Stage -
- TP 12.0
Crédits ECTS
Crédits ECTS 5.0
Understanding, analyze and sizing of:
- Heat exchangers
- Thermodynamic cycles
- Mass Transfer
This module focuses on the heat and/or mass transfer at local (mass transfer), component (heat exchanger) and system scales (thermodynamic cycles, heat exchanger network).
Student will on one side develop their basics in engineering thermodynamics to understand and analyze thermodynamic cycles such as refrigeration cycles, gas and vapour turbine cycles and reciprocating engines.
On the other side, different types of heat exchangers will be introduced and tools for design, sizing and thermal analysis will be brought. Then, depending on the option chosen within the module, this basis of heat exchangers will be completed by either:
- An advanced heat exchanger course introducing psychrometry and heat exchangers dealing with moist air, air conditioning, condensation boilers and heat exchanger network design.
- A mass transfer course developing how thermodynamics can be used to develop constitutive laws of mass transfer
These teaching, proposed as a mix of lectures and tutorials are completed by 8 hours of lab works to apply the concepts learnt on practical systems.
Thermodynamique 1er cycle, Thermique 1A
Session normale / First session
ER = évaluation rattrapable / ER assessment : devoir surveillé écrit de 3h / 3 hours supervised written exam
EN = évaluation non rattrapable / EN assessment : rapports de TP, de BE et/ou interrogation écrite / lab and work on computer reports, as well as possible intermediate written exam
Session de rattrapage / Second session
ER : la note obtenue en session 2 remplace la note ER session normale / new examination to replace ER assessment
EN : évaluation non rattrapable / retaking EN assessment is not possible
Moyenne de l’UE / Course Unit assessment = EN 50% + ER 50%
L'examen existe uniquement en anglais
Le cours est programmé dans ces filières :
- Cursus ingénieur - Ingénieur IEN - Semestre 8 (ce cours est donné uniquement en anglais
- Cursus ingénieur - Master inter SGB - Semestre 8 (ce cours est donné uniquement en anglais
- Cursus ingénieur - Ingénieur ME - Semestre 8 (ce cours est donné uniquement en anglais
- Cursus ingénieur - Ingénieur SEM - Semestre 8 (ce cours est donné uniquement en anglais
Code de l'enseignement : 4EUS4HMT
Langue(s) d'enseignement :
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