Number of hours
- Lectures 14.0
- Projects 0
- Tutorials 14.0
- Internship 0
- Laboratory works 4.0
ECTS 1.5
The aim of this course unit is allow students to design a hybrid supply system with PV production and storage devices.
Contact Delphine RIUContent(s)
Course of PV production (D. Riu)
- Physical principle of PV conversion
- PV resources in France and worldwide, economic aspects to take into account for PV project
- Sizing of PV farm connected to microgrid or power grid
- Energy and power managements of PV farm with storage hybridization and power electronics converters : MPP Tracking, (P,Q) controls, ...
A bab work of 4h consists in designing a PV solution to supply a microgrid.
Course of electrochemical storage devices (Y. Bultel)
o Presentation of conversion technologies and electrochemical energy storage: Batteries
o charge / discharge, charge status
o Concepts of voltage, capacity, power and energy of a cell
o Characteristic current - voltage
o Design of a battery pack
Basis in electrical engineering : circuits, grid control, three-phased systems, ...
Basis in control command : state-space systems, design of classical controllers (P, PI, PID) ...
Written exam : 50%
Lab work : 50%
Session 2 consists in another written exam.