Number of hours
- Lectures 24.0
- Tutorials 24.0
- Laboratory works 12.0
ECTS 5.0
The aim of this Course Unit is :
- to model electrical faults using Fortescue representation of three-phase systems
- to build protection plans of electrical networks (industrial or distributed grids)
- to manage and secure energetic systems (electrical, heat, gas and hydrogen networks)
Operating safety Course (12h CTD, 4h BE)
- Probabilistic models of component failures
- Qualitative analysis of the dependability of systems methods
- Reliability of independent components (reliability diagram, fault trees, structure function, minimal cuts, important factors)
- Markov appoach applied to reliability systems (dependent components, passive redundancy, tested components ...)
- Modelling of maintenance policies
- Reliability of safety instrumented systems (IEC 61598, design assistance)
Monitoring and Protection (20h CTD, 8h BE)
The first part of this course is teached by an expert of =SE= in protections of industrial networks. The differents sections of this course are:
- structure of electrical networks (transport, distribution, special networks)
- energy management of each electrical network with distributed production
- plan of protection of electrical networks
The second part of this course is dedicated to conferences on management and protection of Smartrids, according : modelling, protection devices, management and energy counting, communication protocols for Smartgrids.
Modelling and fault analysis for distributed networks (16h CTD)
This course focused on theoretical elements to analyse electrical faults (short-circuits, opening of lines, ...) in distribution networks :
- state-of-art of unbalanced networks. Impact of distributed production on faults occuring in network
- presentation of Fortescue components (positive, negative, zero sequences)
- Analytical analysis of short-circuits
Course Unit of Mathematics for Engineers and Electrical Energy of 1st Year
Course unit of Electrical Networks of the Department (2nd year)
Exam (3h) on management and protection of electrical networks