Number of hours
- Lectures 40.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials -
- Internship -
- Laboratory works 12.0
ECTS 5.0
he purpose of this module is to address the operation of electrical networks in two ways: modeling and computing methods for power grids operation under liberalized markets.
he module content is divided into two parts:
- Modeling and Computation networks
- Deregulation: network operation under liberalized markets
The "Modeling and Design of Networks" covers the following chapters:
- Introduction to the problem of modeling in Large Electric Systems
- Classification of problems of electrical networks and their timing
- Matrices Power System:
o Background on graph theory
o primitive matrices, incident matrices and transfer matrices
o Construction of the transfer matrices using the "inspection" method
o Examples of construction of network matrices - Calculation of load Flows
o Defining the Problem
o The numerical methods for solving the problem of load balancing
o Calculation of power transfers - Current calculation for systematic short-circuits using network matrices
o Symmetrical short-circuits
o Non symmetrical short-circuits - Introduction to state estimation
"Deregulation" part covers the following chapters:
- Networks operations:
o practical aspects of maintaining the balance of production - consumption
? consumption forecast
? dynamic constraints of production
? production scheduling
? load monitoring and security analysis
o analysis of the various network constraints - Interconnections in networks
o Logical development of interconnections
o Benefits vs cons - Introduction to electricity markets
o History of the opening of the energy markets in France and around the world
o Reasons for open markets - Market participants and scope of responsibility
- Market mechanisms
- Market models
o Pool / PX, OTC, single buyer ...
o Example clearing mechanisms in markets
o Analysis of the mechanisms of price formation
o Analysis of price trends - Ancilary Services
- Congestion management
- The adjusting mechanism
- The calculation of ATC
- Mechanisms for access to the transmission and distribution
- The regulator of energy markets: the role, scope and areas of intervention
- "Electric Energy module", TC1
- bases on economy
Session normale / First session
Evaluation non rattrapable (EN)/ EN assessment : La note de contrôle continu sera la moyenne des deux notes suivantes :
- moyenne des comptes rendus de BE de Modélisation et calculs de réseaux
- soutenance de projet de dérégulation
The EN assessment's mark will be the average of the following two marks: - average of the Network Modelling and Calculation BE reports
- defence of the deregulation project
Evaluation rattrapable (ER)/ ER assessment : épreuve écrite de 2h qui portera sur la partie dérégulation du module / 2h written exam on the deregulation part of the module
Session de rattrapage / Second session
Epreuve écrite ou orale sur la partie dérégulation. La note obtenue remplace la note de ER. Le EN n'est pas rattrapable. / Written or oral exam on the deregulation part. The new mark will replace the first one (ER). No resitting for the EN exam.
EN 65% + ER 35%
The exam is given in english only
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - Master's Degree in Engineering IEE - Semester 9 (this course is given in english only
- Curriculum - Master inter SGB - Semester 9 (this course is given in english only
Course ID : 5EUS5MFR
Course language(s):
You can find this course among all other courses.
- Sabonnadière, J. C., & Hadjsaïd, N. (2007). Lignes et réseaux électriques: Lignes d'énergie électrique; 2. Méthodes d'analyse des réseaux électriques; 3. Fonctionnement dans le cadre de la libéralisation des marchés; 4. Exercices et problèmes. Hermès science publications-Lavoisier.
- Hadjsaïd, N., & Sabonnadière, J. C. (2013). Power systems and restructuring. John Wiley & Sons.