Ense3 rubrique Formation 2022

Internship / Project - WEUS2INT

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures -
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials -
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works -
    • Written tests -


    ECTS 2.0


The tutorials correspond to CV and reference letter support and advices.
The internship is targetting the application of your knowledge in a research or industry environment.


Stephane MOCANU


At the end of your M1 internship, a report should be written and submitted in 2 copies: one for your laboratory/company supervisor and one for your school tutor.

The heart of the report must make it clear:
• A quick overview of the laboratory/company and the service/team where took place your internship
• The objective of the required work
• Methods, procedures ... used to carry out this work
• Explanation and critical analysis of the results
• Your real and personal contribution
• The contribution of the internship (scientific, technical, human...) for yourself
• The general and personal conclusions as well as the perspectives

The format of the report, some general rules for its clarity:
• Choose a title representative of your work
• Presence of a summary
• Numbered Pages
• Well defined notations (glossary)
• Figures, diagrams or drawings well represented and numbered (do not hesitate to use of them)
• References correctly mentioned

General instructions for the report:
• Can be supplemented by annexes
• Must be able to be read independently of annexes
• 20 pages maximum excluding appendices (from introduction to conclusion and future works), your skill of synthesis will be judged
• Included, in beginning of report, a summary of 1/2 page approximately (1/2 English and 1/2 French)
• Include all figures, drawings or diagrams necessary for good understanding of the subject
• Police characters recommended: 11
• Caution to style, to grammar and spelling

These instructions are based on experiences. Reports very often show a lack of figures and drawings. This lack makes the reading and understanding very difficult or impossible. Therefore do not forget to include throughout the report the figures or drawings necessary for the proper understanding of the text. This must facilitate the reading of your report for the person who discovers the topic. Pay attention due to the limitation in terms of pages, carefully chose your figures and ask you the question: what I want to express, what is the message behind?

The defense
The defense should be plain and structured. The work performed by the intern should highlight your implication and your interest.
• The grade obtained concerning the oral presentation will take into account the quality of the answers to the questions asked by the jury.
• Length:
o 20 minutes maximum (20 + 20 minutes maximum for a pair of students) for the presentation.
o 20 minutes are dedicated to questions
• The presentation is in English with materials (slides or other) written in English.
o Advice: an oral presentation has to be prepared. For instance, make a simulation in order to respect the timing (it should be synthetic).
o In the room that has been assigned to your presentation, a video-projector is available; but be careful, you have to bring your own computer.
• For some sensitive subjects, the industrialists may require confidentiality, it implies that the engineering school plans a closed hearing viva. At the end of the presentation, the report is given back to the engineer (if attending, that is not mandatory). If your engineer is absent, the reports are sent in a registered letter ("lettre recommandée AR") to the company or laboratory.
• To be innovative and in line with the KIC Innoenergy Spirit, The 2014 defense will introduce an “elevator pitch”, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elevator_pitch were we will give you 45 seconds to sell you internship project and have a grade based on that (included in the defense mark).


Continuous assessment only, no retake.

The grade is obtained from 3 different items :
-50% of your work, this grade is given by your lab/industry tutor
-25% of the report who has to follow the above mentioned guidelines
-25% of the defense who has to follow the above mentioned guidelines

CC 100%

The exam is given in english only FR


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - Master inter SGB - Semester 8 (this course is given in english only EN)
see the course schedule for 2021-2022

Additional Information

Course ID : WEUS2INT
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.