Number of hours
- Lectures 36.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials -
- Internship -
- Laboratory works 24.0
ECTS 5.0
The development of renewable energies, electric vehicles and various storage facilities related to a desire to act in a sustainable manner brought new
challenges to traditional power systems. These networks must follow this policy while remaining economical and reliable. The purpose of the unit is to
give various insight about ICT technologies and methods that will support the development of both Smart Grids and Smart Cities.
Stephane MOCANU
The course is divided is several parts not all followed by the students.
Part I Understanding of Big Data revolution (SEM+SGB+IEE students)
8h of lecture
4h of labs
S1: Introduction about data models, distribution models, data management as well as architecture.
S2: Ad-hoc distribution of data: principle, data schematic, top down approach, bottom up approach
S3: Ah-hoc data processing: distributed evaluation, metadata, distributed transactions
S4: Data sharding: systematic fragmentation, parallel processing, data flow and flow processing
Lab: Data sharding and Data flow
Part II: Understanding of SCADA systems (SEM+SGB+IEE students)
8h of lecture (Daniel Quenot, Thomas Ober, Lucille Lemius)
4h of labs (Lucille Lemius)
The lecture focuses on the analysis and the design of industrial control systems. The actual needs of engineers studying complex systems are tools to
organize system functions and information coming from system requirements while satisfying specific constraints of controlled systems (topology,
operating modes). ?Main requirements of controlled systems, such as hierarchical structuring, modelling of the operative part or distributing functions
into consistent sets, are pointed out.
Part III: Understanding of the standart 61850 (only for SGB and IEE students)
8h of lecture (L. Guise, M. Jardim)
8h of labs (A. Labonne, T. Braconnier)
S1: SG Interoperability: Smart grids – a new equation -> leading to new system requirements, Interoperability at information level
S2: IEC 61850 basics: Details on the main 3 elements of IEC 61850 and Data models basics - main CDCs
S3: IEC 61850 at requirement stage, let students discover by themselves modeling with the objective to provide a well formed SSD, transcribing a given
written requirement document (simple HV/MV substation)
Lab: IEC 61850 at field stage, Transfer the CIDs to selected IEDs (Sepam), and make a concrete case of usage of communication service
Part IV: Cybersecurity - Understanding the new challenges at the software and the hardware side (only for SGB and IEE students)
12h of lecture (S. Chollet, D. Helly)
Several lectures will present the challenges for both software development and hardware design to harden Smart Grids applications
Part V: IT project (only for SEM student)
projects: 36h of labs
(Amr Alyafi, Manar Amayari, Jérôme Ferrari, Tiansi Laranjeira, Lou Morriet, Stéphane Ploix
Smart Buildings are based on home automation to reduce their consumption and increase their services. In order to have a better understanding on industrial or new technologies and data analysis, the course is composed of:
Practical Exercises:
-2h : Discovery of a Programmable Logic Controller (KNX, reactor, IPX800) or building management system and how to control sensors and actuators
-2h: Discovery of Jeedom on a Raspberry Pi for home automation
-2h: Discovery of Lora protocol
Small Project:
- 8h: installation and analysis of a home automation solution in GreEn-ER with RaspberryPI + Jeedom + sensors
Engineering Consultancy:
- 12h: data science & machine learning application
1st session
Continuous assessment (EN) : labs, include :
- For SEM students
- LYNX_LAB: a lab on a real DMS on top of the SCADA LYNX system deployed by ATOS with Henri Piat
- Big Data lab with Genoveva Vargas Solar
- IT Project with the team from Stéphane Ploix
- For SGB, ALT and IEE students
- LYNX_LAB: a lab on a real DMS on top of the SCADA LYNX system deployed by ATOS with Henri Piat
- Big Data lab with Genoveva Vargas Solar
- 61850 lab with Antoine Labonne and Thierry Braconnier
Written exam (ER) : 2 hours of written exam on SCADA and Big Data courses
2nd session
Another written exam will replace the first one (ER). No retake for EN.
CC 70% + CT 30%
The exam is given in english only
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - M2 FME ENTECH - Semester 9 (this course is given in english only
- Curriculum - Master's Degree in Engineering IEE - Semester 9 (this course is given in english only
- Curriculum - Master inter SGB - Semester 9 (this course is given in english only
Course ID : 5EU5ICT6
Course language(s):
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