Number of hours
- Lectures 46.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials -
- Internship -
- Laboratory works 14.0
ECTS 5.0
- Become familiar, and be able to analyze and quantify groundwater flows in permeable porous media;
- quantify the impacts of exceptional natural events, of repetitive anthropic activities, whether industrial or accidental, on the circulation and quality of groundwater flows;
- understand the mechanisms of reactive transfers and estimate their impacts;
- estimate the influence of fluid flows and heat transfers on the mechanical properties and permeability of the soils or rock formations.
Following an introduction where (1) the basic notions of groundwater flows are exposed at the scale of civil engineering structures, three topics are introduced:
(2) the hydrodynamics of free and captive aquifers and their industrial use;
(3) the transfer of chemical species in aquifers and the methods of depollution;
(4) the interactions between fluid, thermal and ionic flows, mechanical properties and permeability of the rock formations.
A common project, including 2 or 3 students, will give the opportunity to learn more about one of these topics.
Transport equations (Module approfondissement S1), Continuum Mechanics (S1), Heat transfer (Module S1)
Written exam (CT): 5h altogether
Continuous assessment (CC): project reports
CC 30% + CT 70%
The exam may be taken in french or in english
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - Master's Degree in Engineering HOE - Semester 8 (this course may be followed in french or in english
Course ID : 4EUS4GEO
Course language(s):
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