Number of hours
- Lectures -
- Projects -
- Tutorials -
- Internship -
- Laboratory works 44.0
- Written tests -
ECTS 5.0
The aim is to develop the ability to choose and design electrical equipments taking into account many technical but also financial constraints. It provides additional experience in writing technical documentation for third parties, in considering industrial issues in terms of methods, cost, delays and availabilities.
Jean-Yves VOYANT
1. Reliability and maintenance Policy (12 hours lecture and 1.25 ECTS).
The lectures deal with:
• Maintenance of production generators.
• Reliability, diagnosis and monitoring of power transformers.
• Optimization of maintenance through reliability.
This teaching is evaluated by a final MCQ.
2. Integration of distributed generation and mechanical conversion (4 hours lecture, 44 hours of project with 20 hours of personal work, 3.75 ECTS).
The context is a mountain village with a nearby small ski resort and an eco-district. Both are located a few kilometers from the village center. The project focuses on :
• the connection and choice of equipments of an industrial load (variable speed drive for the ski lift)
• the coordination of design characteristics of the village hydroelectric plant components : the alternator, transformer and relays of the hydroelectric plant of the village is also precisely studied,
• the connection or not of the eco-district is also studied and analysed with the aim of creating an isolated site with renewable sources and storage.
Standards, costs, grid codes and prices for the purchase or sale of electricity are taken into account. The project is completed by a written short document to justify the design, the technical choices and financial criteria including depreciation.
PrerequisitesBasic electrical engineering
Transformer and electrical grids
Electrical machines dans drives
Power electronic systems
Session normale/First session
Contrôle continue (EN) RATTRAPABLE :
- Note 1 (25%) : contrôles continus individuels écrits de l'étudiant en temps limité portant sur la fiabilité des transformateurs et alternateurs
- Note 2 (75%) : contrôles continus collectifs oral + écrit : rapport et exposé liés au BE projet village
- Note 3 : bonus/malus individuels obtenus par contrôles continus individuels écrits de l'étudiant en temps limité portant sur le projet village. Cette note 3, individuelle, est comprise entre -2 et + 2 maximums et s'ajoute directement à la note 2. La moyenne des notes 3 sur l'ensemble de la classe est ajustée à zéro.
Autre critère mesurable de validation de l'UE : présence
Session de rattrapage
Contrôle individuel remplaçant note 1 ou note 2
EN 100%
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - Master's Degree in Engineering IEE - Semester 9
Course ID : 5EUS5ING
Course language(s):
You can find this course among all other courses.
- thèses :
* A study of life time management of Power Transformer, C.Upadhyay
- documents ABB : ( :
* short-circuit duty of power transformers
* Power Transformers -- A guide to manufacturing
* Transformer Engineering
- livres :
* Transformer Engineering Design and Practice, S.V.Kulkarni S.A.Khaparde
* J&P Transformer book, M.J.Heathcote
- en ligne :
* Guides CENELEC
* Guide de l'installation électrique (Schneider)