24 novembre 2018
The ceremony will be held in our GreEn-ER, 21 avenue des Martyrs at Grenoble.Access : http://www.grenoble-inp.fr/acces-itineraires/grenoble-inp-ense3-719219.kjsp?RH=ENSE3_FR-MAP
Please join the Linkedin group dedicated to Promo 2017
Photos of the ceremony will be shared there.
If you want to celebrate with all the students and graduates from Grenoble, the Ceremony will be followed by the Gala, organized by the Grand Cercle des étudiants.
More informations will be sent soon.
>>> In order to offer you the best experience possible with only a number limited of seats, each graduate can only be accompanied with 2 people maximum.
Grenoble INP - Ense³ est le fruit de la fusion des deux écoles ENSHMG (Mécanique et Hydraulique) et ENSIEG (Energie et Traitement de l'information)