Ense3 rubrique Formation 2022

Hydraulic transmissions PW - 5EMMACH0

  • Number of hours

    • Laboratory works 8.0


    ECTS 1.0


This teaching is the pratical part for the course "Transmissions hydrauliques cours/BE".
The study focuses on the study of a bench with an electro-hydraulic position control.

Contact Jean-Luc AMEN


The work required consists of:

  • Discovery and study of the installation ;
  • Identification of the main characteristics ;
  • Determining a gain adjustment using a stability criterion ;
  • Conducting performance tests after adjusting the control ;
  • A comparison of the measured performance to that of a simulation AMESim.


Hydraulic transmissions (fluid power) course aun automatic courses.


Note for the technical work report . This note is not rattrapable.

Note de TP.

Additional Information

Course list
Curriculum->ME->Semester 5


ADEPA - Le guide de la commande d'axe Technoguide E - Paris : ADEPA, 1989 - ISBN 2 950 2194 03.

BLACKBURN J.F. , REETHOF G. , SHEARER J.L. - Mécanismes et servomécanismes à fluide sous pression - Tome 1 - Paris : DUNOD, 1966 - 444 pages.

GUILLON Marcel - Etude et détermination des systèmes hydrauliques - Paris : DUNOD, 1961 - 443 pages.

GUILLON Marcel - L'asservissement hydraulique et électrohydraulique - Tomes 1 et 2 - Paris : DUNOD, 1972 - 443 pages.