Grenoble INP ranks among the best French Engineering Schools for its research and in the top 30 in the general ranking of L'Usine Nouvelle magazine

In the 2019 ranking of Engineering Schools published on 7 February by L'Usine Nouvelle magazine, Grenoble INP confirms its excellent position in research, with 3 of its schools present among the top 10 on this criterion.
Grenoble INP - Phelma ranks 3rd and Grenoble INP - Ense³ 4th, both hounding Ecole polytechnique. Grenoble INP - Ensimag is in 6th position.

3 schools in the top 30 of the general ranking

Grenoble INP - Ensimag, well placed for the salary level of its graduates, slightly increases its overall score and is 17th overall. Grenoble INP - Phelma gained 31 places compared to 2018 and climbed to 15th position and Grenoble INP - Ense³ climbed 21 places to 30th position.

Grenoble INP - Génie industriel gains 27 places by advancing on almost all criteria.
Grenoble INP - Esisar and Grenoble INP - Pagora, schools with small promotions, are not eligible for this ranking.


Usine Nouvelle magazine uses certified data published by the French Engineering Schools certification authority (CTI) to establish an annual ranking of 130 schools which issue more than 100 engineering degrees per year. This ranking is based on 14 indicators covering four main criteria: research, integration of graduates, international openness and entrepreneurship.

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