German Cooking Workshop

Thursday, January 9, around 15 French students and German exchange students met to cook delicious German dishes.

Thursday, January 9, around 15 French students and German exchange students met at Cap Berriat kitchen to cook delicious German dishes.

The project has been held by Christine Schimdt, the German teacher, with the support of InnoEnergy program.

On the menu, 4 recipes: some Serviettenknödel (“quenelles”) served with muschrooms with cream sauce, a Kartoffelsuppe (potatoes soup), et for the dessert a Streuselkirschkuchen (Crumble cherry cake) and a Thüringer Mohnkunchen (Thuringian poppy seed cake).

Dressed with the finest aprons, the students cooked with meticulous care. Once the 4 recipes done, they all tested their preparations and enjoyed a convivial meal.

This was a great opportunity for the students to practice German during an original workshop. The German exchange students, were happy to share some typical recipes from their own country. A wonderful culinary, cultural and linguistic exchange!