Ense3 rubrique Formation 2022

Electric energy - 3EMTAEY0

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 28.0
    • Tutorials 18.0


    ECTS 3.0


Electrical energy is the science and technology for the use of electricity as an energy carrier. The aim of this first year course is to study the full electric power system from electrical machines to electrical energy transformation through the static conversion or power electronics. We will give elementary models for the various components, these model being sufficient for a first approach. We deliberately will adopt the point of view of the user, and much less the point of view of the manufacturer.

Contact Pascal TIXADOR


In the first part, we will focus on the study of the distribution of energy in the form of electrical alternating voltages and current in single-phase (2 wires) or three phase (3 or 4 wires). We will highlight the general laws linking the different parameters: power, currents, voltages, impedances, etc...
The second part is devoted to the study of electrical machines. We will explain the operation of the various machines and give a basic model. The machines will be: transformers, DC machines and AC (synchronous and asynchronous) as motors or generators.
Power electronics will be introduced with ideal components and principles. It has become essential in the control and conversion of electric power. It is widely used to supply rotating machines. The following static converters will be discussed: DC-DC (choppers) , DC-AC (inverter) and AC-DC (rectifier).


Basic electrical circuits, Kirchhoff's circuit laws. Fresnel representation, use of Complex Impedance.


Written exam

Additional Information

Course list
Curriculum->Tronc commun->Semester 1


“Eléments de Génie Electrique - Connaissances de base et machines statiques”, M. Ivanes, R. Perret, Hermès, Paris, 1994.
“Electrotechnique industrielle”, G. Séguier, F. Notelet, Technique et documentation, Paris, 3ème édition, 2006.
“Entraînements électriques 1”, J. Fandino, R. Perret, E. Rullière, P. Tixador, Lavoisier, Paris, 2006, ISBN 2-7462-1305-2.
“Entraînements électriques 2”, R. Perret, A. Foggia, E. Rullière, P. Tixador, Lavoisier, Paris, 2007, ISBN 978-2-7462-
“Machines Electriques”, Tomes 1 & 2, J. Chatelain, Dunod, 1984.
“Lignes et Réseaux Electriques, vol. 1” Jean-Claude Sabonnadière et Nouredine Hadjsaid, Lavoisier/Hermes, ISBN 978-2-7462-1496-5
“Les installations électriques”, P. Lagonotte, Editions Hermès, Paris, 2000.