Ense3 rubrique Formation 2022

Distributed Embedded Systems - WEUMCED1

  • Volumes horaires

    • CM 28.0
    • Projet 4.0
    • TD -
    • Stage -
    • TP 28.0
    • DS -

    Crédits ECTS

    Crédits ECTS 5.0


An embedded system is computer system that has a dedicated function within a larger mechanical or electronic system.
This course is divided into two parts: The first on is on embedded systems and real-time implementation with the following organisation.

9 lectures (2h) TD1-TD9 (18h)
8 Labs (2h or 4h) TP1-TP7 (20h)
1 Final Project (4h) TP9 (4h)

The second part is on distributed optimization with applications on robotic systems.




Part 1:
TD1 (2h)- [Ch] Binary numbers & Boolean operation
TP1 (2h)- [Ch]
TD2 (2h)- [Ch] Electronics
TP2 (2h) -[Ch] LTspice and Kicad
TD3 - [Er] Embedded real systems for robotics (2h)
TD4 - [Ch] Microcontroller architecture (2h)
TP3 [Ch] (2h)
TD5 - [Er] Memory allocation and management (2h)
TP4 - [Er]: RTOS introduction (4h)
TD6 - [Er] Time management and Synchronization (2h)
TP5 - [Er] Time management and synchronization in RTOS (4h)
TD7 - [Er] Low-power management (2h)
TP6 - [Er] Time management and synchronization in RTOS (4h)
TD8 - [Ch] embedded software (2h)
TP7 - [Ch] Software development (2h)
TD9 - [Ch] Discrete control (2h)
[Ch] Final Project (4h)

Part 2:
Optimization in general
Trajectory optimisation for dynamical (robotic) systems
Distributed algorithms



Contrôle des connaissances

Session normale / First session
Evaluation non rattrapable (EN) / EN assessment : rapports des BE RTOS, embedded, optimisation / lab reports about RTOS, embedded, optimisation
Evaluation rattrapable (ER) / ER assessement : examen final de 1h / 1 hours Final exam (50% RTOS, 50% Embedded)

Session de rattrapage / Second session
ER : la note obtenue en session 2 remplace la note ER session 1 / New exam to replace ER assessment
EN : évaluation non rattrapable / No re-take for the EN assessment

Moyenne de l’UE / Course Unit assessment = EN 70% + ER 30%

L'examen existe uniquement en anglais FR


Le cours est programmé dans ces filières :

  • Cursus ingénieur - Master inter MARS - Semestre 9 (ce cours est donné uniquement en anglais EN)
cf. l'emploi du temps 2024/2025

Informations complémentaires

Code de l'enseignement : WEUMCED1
Langue(s) d'enseignement : FR

Vous pouvez retrouver ce cours dans la liste de tous les cours.