Ense3 - rubrique formation - cursus

Economy and Financial Markets - WEUS3EFM

  • Volumes horaires

    • CM 36.0
    • Projet 0
    • TD 10.0
    • Stage 0
    • TP 14.0
    • DS 0

    Crédits ECTS

    Crédits ECTS 5.0


please refer to the 5EUS5EFM module from SEM master.
Some courses are specific to the Master students are are about Sociological aspects of Smart Grids, prosumer engagement and business models

Contact Oana IONESCU



Contrôle des connaissances

Semestre 3 - L'examen existe uniquement en anglais 

Continuous assessment as well as exam and labs will be the support of the grading

The final grade is obtained as fallows:
40% DS (60% O.Ionescu, 40% A.Malot)
60% CC (60% O.Ionescu, 40% A.Malot)

Informations complémentaires

Semestre 3 - Le cours est donné uniquement en anglais EN

Liste des cours
Cursus ingénieur->Master inter SGB->Semestre 3


Roggenkamp M. M. et Boisseleau F., 2005, « The regulation of power exchanges in Europe”, volume 2, Intersentia
Borenstein S., 2001, « The trouble with electricity markets (and some solutions) », University of California Energy Institute, Janvier 2001
Geman H., 2002, « Towards a european market of electricity : spot and derivatives trading », Université Paris IX Dauphine et ESSEC, mai 2002
Shahidehour M. et Al, 2002, « Market Operations in Electric Power Systems », Wiley Interscience IEEE
Bunn D., 2004, « Modelling prices in competitive electricity markets », Wiley
Buschnell J. et Stoft S., 1996, « Transmission et generation investment in a competitive electric power industry », University of California Energy Institute, Janvier 1996
Hunt S, 2002, « Making competition work in electricity », Wiley Finance
Fusaro PC et Wilcox J., 2000, "Energy derivatives: Trading emerging markets", Global Change Associates, Inc. (New York: Energy publishing Enterprises)
Hull, J., "Options, futures et autres actifs dérivés", 5ième édition, Pearson education
Bellalah M., "Gestion de portefeuilles - Analyse quantitative de la rentabilité et des risques", Pearson education
Kholb R.W, Overdhal J.A, "Understanding Futures Markets", 6th Edition, Blackwell publishing BUSCHNELL
Min Liu and Felix F. Wu, « Managing Price Risk in a Multimarket Environment », IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 21, n°. 4, November 2006