Number of hours
- Laboratory works 8.0
ECTS 0.5
The purpose of the practical work is to consolidate the knowledge acquired in the course by two case studies: the first concerns the design of an horizontal axis offshore wind or water turbine. the second is dedicated to the prediction of the annual energy production of an offshore wind and water turbine.
Contact Thierry MAITREContent(s)
1. Effect of a chosen nominal tip speed ratio on the rotor design
2. Annual electricity production of an off shore wind turbine and a tidal water turbine
The exam is given in english only
Ongoing assessment
Additional Information
This course is given in english only
Course list
Curriculum->ME->Semester 5
- Marine Renewable Energy – prospective forsight study for 2030 – Edition QUAE
- Energies marines renouvelables – aspects généraux, éolien, marémoteur et hydrolien, HERMES-Lavoisier, 2011
- Aerodynamics of wind turbines, second edition, Martin 0.L. Hensen