Ense3 rubrique Formation 2022

Physical education - 3EMTAAS0

  • Number of hours

    • Tutorials 28.0


    ECTS 1.5


  • Master the relational aspects so as to understand the group, to act with it and by it
  • Improve the dynamic behaviors

Course positioning:
The courses of S2 and S3 prepare the students to the formation in S4 and S5, in which each student is put in a situation in order to face the group.
These courses are divided into 3 parts: induvidual sports, collective or multi-activities sports.

Contact Jean-Marie CICUT


From choices controled by the teacher (activities, time, number in the group, objectives) the group is organised in order to reach goals: motivity (40%), relational and behavior skills (60%).

The group approached functioning problems so as to be efficient: collective choice, leadership, democracy, etc.

competitive event role: allows the supply of application fields with long-term projects, crisis situation, stress, failure solution.

Formation skills: organise, communicate, create, make you aware of your responsabilities.


You practised sport during the first semester.


On-going assessment

Additional Information

Course list
Curriculum->Tronc commun->Semester 2