Ense3 rubrique Formation 2022

Complement to the course Interfaces, inclusion dynamics and dispersed flow - 5EMMAAR0

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 10.0


    ECTS 1.0


The objective of the course is to provide the modeling and comprehension bases of the elementary inclusion dynamics (notably solids, bubbles, drops) since their interaction with the surrounding flow to the interactions between the inclusions. The course also shows how these descriptions at micro and meso-scales intervene in the models for dispersed flows that are the base of most of the current simulation tools.

Contact Laurent JOSSIC


General characteristics of the multiphase flows (application challenged) and scale-description level (scientist challenges)

Interface mechanics:

  • Concepts, conservation equations, state laws and behavior laws
  • Surface rheology: general concepts on the contaminated interfaces (surface tension, surfactants, adsorption isotherm, adsorption kinetics, interfacial molecular transport) and surface rheology notions
  • Application examples: contaminated fluid globule trail (Marangoni effect) / theological characteristics by capillary waves / kinetic measure from the Savart experience.

Fluid globule dynamics: infinite medium motion:
Permanent case (trail, deformation, trajectory unstability) and non-permanent case (added mass, history term) / general equation of a small globule in any fluid field (BBOT) / overview on the lift force and and the particle-particle and particle-wall interactions / particle-turbulence interactions, dispersion / links with the averaged modeling of the dispersed flows illustrated on elementary situations


Fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer


Written test of 2h for ME

Additional Information

Course list
Curriculum->IEN->Semester 5
Curriculum->ME->Semester 5


  • Adamson A.W., Physical chemistry of surfaces, Interscience New York, 3rd Ed., 1976
  • Clift R. Grace J.R., Weber M.E., 1978, Bubbles, drops and particles, Academic Press
  • Crowe C., Sommerfeld M., Tsuji Y., 1998, Multiphase flows with droplets and particles, CRC Press