Ense3 rubrique Formation 2022

land survey and soil investigation - 3EMTADP0

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 8.0
    • Tutorials 4.0


    ECTS 1.0


The course discusses the objectives and advantages of a land survey and of a soil investigation priori to the construction of any land planning or urban development project. It presents the main soil investigation techniques (soils and rocks) used in civil engineering, the specific devices and the methods used for the analysis of the results. It also stresses the importance of adapting the soil investigation campaign to the project and its avancement.

Contact Fabrice EMERIAULT



  • Works and geotechnical problems
  • Soils: a definition

Objectives of land survey and soil investigation campaign
Literature survey and site visit
Advantages of soil data management

Drillings – Core sampling - Diagraphies
Geophysical investigation
Hydraulic investigation
Mechanical tests (in situ and lab)

How to define a soil investigation acampaign adapted to a specific project



Written test of 1 h

Additional Information

Course list
Curriculum->Tronc commun->Semester 2


  • Antoine, P., Fabre, D. 'Géologie appliquée au Génie Civil' Editions Dunod.
  • Filliat 'Fondations' Editions du Moniteur.