Ense3 rubrique Formation 2022

Engineering of Hydraulic Works 2 - 4EUS4IH2

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 22.0
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials 16.0
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works 20.0
    • Written tests ?


    ECTS 5.0


Complete tools, knowledge, skills about hydraulic and civil engineering with:

  • GIS (Geographical Information Systems);
  • Impact assesment ;
  • Numerical modeling for open channel steady state flow
  • Hydraulic works: weirs, sluices and gates (advanced analytical models);
  • Design of dykes : technological, analytical and numerical approach




1) Impact Studies & regulatory framework:
Courses about French and European organization and laws
Projects on real situations (Bridge over a river ; Flood expansion area ; Road embankment in a floodplain; Implementation of a wastewater treatment plant; Installation of underground catchment; Water Intake structure for hydroelectric purposes ; Urban networks: change from unitary to sanitary ;...).

2) GIS: Structure / Specific applications for hydraulic studies / QuickStart software

3) Hydraulic work on irrigation channel: construction methods, design specifications and principles, technological approach

4) Water intake: study of flow and sediment transport (flows over spillways , through gates, open channel flow, settling, flush cleaning).

5) Numerical modeling of free surface steady-state flows : Hec-RAS

6) Dykes: basics on slope stability (sliding), underground flow, internal erosion. Technological, analytical and numerical approach.


Common Part :
Hydraulics of pressurized flows (previous semester)
Open Channel Flows, Groundwater Hydraulics (studied during the same semester)

GHO part :
Strength of material, Reinforced concrete
Geomechanics(studied during the same semester)


Written exam : 30% ; 2h with documents
Continuous assessment : 70% ; 4 reports, 1 defense
Second session : Written exam, 2h, replaces the written exam for the 1rst session mark

CC 70% + CT 30%


The course exists in the following branches:

see the course schedule for 2023-2024

Additional Information

Course ID : 4EUS4IH2
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.