Ense3 rubrique Formation 2022

Materials and Structures - 4EUS3MS

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 24.0
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials 24.0
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works 12.0


    ECTS 5.0


  • to present the basics of the mechanical behaviour depending on the time with an application to the concrete
  • to use practically the notions of elasticity learnt in the first year class
  • to be able to design at limit states elements in reinforced concrete under simple sollicitations (beam under bending moment, column in compression, compounded flexion)
  • to understand the basis of reinforced concrete
  • to take in hand a finite elements software in order to analyze structures in elasticity (beam, slab, dam)




Civil engineering structures are mainly built in reinforced/prestressed concrete. This module wants to instruct students to the basics of structures design under various sollicitations, leaned on notions of limit states presented in the Eurocode 2 (course 1). The constitutive behaviour to design these elements leaned on the viscoelasticity lesson (course 2). This course enables to characterize and to formalize the behaviours of aging and non aging material by using simple models (spring, absorbe, pad). The whole notions is applied through an experimental practice on elasticity, a modelisation structure project and a project on the long term behaviour of concrete and its rheological modelisation.


resistance of materials, continuum mechanics, elasticity.


  • Specific credits: this course brings 6.0 ECTS to students in Semester S7 - M1 HCE

First session
EN assessment : reports of project
ER assessment : 1h30 (materials) + 2h30 (reinforced concrete) written exam


Second session
ER assessment : Written or oral exam depending on the number of students. The mark of session 2 will replace the first one.
No retake for EN.

Moyenne de l’UE / Course Unit assessment = EN 40% + ER 60%

The exam is given in english only FR


The course exists in the following branches:

see the course schedule for 2023-2024

Additional Information

Course ID : 4EUS3MS
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.