Ense3 rubrique Formation 2022

Engineering of Hydraulic Works 1 - 4EUS3IH1

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 22.0
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials 22.0
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works 16.0


    ECTS 5.0


To complete the disciplines teached in the option with a multiple disciplines, technical and technological approach and an overall vision of a hydraulic construction;
To know the hydraulic of the structures (spillways, sluices,...);
To know how to summarize a study work in a report.




It deals with the development of study projects (well detailed) from extracts of specifications needs, drawings, technical notices... These projects summarize and complete the applied hydraulic knowledges of the engineer, in civil engineering, in hydrology, in urban engineering broached as a more academic manner in the formation. Equivalences to numerical tools (hydraulic, structural calculations, geomechanics...) can be done, but it is important that a big part of the development remains analytic.


Charge in hydraulic, free surface hydraulic, underground hydraulic, resistance of materials, reinforced concrete, geomechanics, geotechnical structures (remark ; some approaches can be studied before the theorical approach.).


Session normale / First session
Evaluation rattrapable (ER) : devoir surveillé écrit de 2h/ ER assessment : 2 hours supervised written exam
Evaluation non rattrapable (EN) / EN assessment : 2 CR de projets + 1 soutenance de PTP / 2 lab reports + 1 PTP presentation
Session de rattrapage / Second session:
Epreuve écrite ou orale dont le résultat remplace la note de l'ER. L'EN est non rattrapable / Written exam or oral presentation mark replacing the first ER mark. The EN assessment cannot be retaken.

Calcul de la moyenne UE : EN 60% + ER 40%


The course exists in the following branches:

see the course schedule for 2023-2024

Additional Information

Course ID : 4EUS3IH1
Course language(s): FR

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