Ense3 rubrique Formation 2022

Digital Electronics and Embedded Systems - 4EU7ENS9

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 14.0
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials 8.0
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works 38.0
    • Written tests -


    ECTS 5.0


Understanding the operation mechanisms of embedded systems for the control of electrical systems with application to power electric grid :
• digital electronics, VHDL
• Programming of control "real-time" systems applied to the protection of grid.




Part « digital electronics, VHDL»
* Course (4 hours) :
- MOS transistors and elementary gate
   - Logic gates and flip-flops - temporal aspects
   - VHDL and Moore Machines
   - Methodological tools of VHDL desig- Transistors MOS et porte élémentaire
* lab works (16h):
- Moore machine - VHDL - programmed counter
   - Methodological tools, VHDL, MEF - realization of a CAN
   - 1st order filter (VHDL, MEF, CAN, CNA)

Part « computer structures and real-time development software for embedded systems»
* Course (12 hours) :
Equipment architecture :
- number state,
- basic computer structure,
- processor structure
- main evolution and architecture (DSP-mC-IPs),
- language level and programming.
Software architecture :
- task definition,
- external events management,
- interrupt service routine organisation (PIC example),
* Real time computing lab works (28 hours) :
- operations with I / O
- Implementation of interruption mechanisms
- fixed-point Data encoding,
- Experimental implementation of an industrial example: protection discrimination of a power grid (« smart grid »)
Real monitor testing using Code Composer Studio on a Texas Instruments DSP


Digital electronic circuits
Module intégrateur « ASI/IEE/SICOM » 1A,
Module d'Approfondissement IEE-1A
Module « Electronique et signaux numériques »,
Module « informatique »


Session normale / First session
Evaluation Non rattrapable (EN)/ EN assessment: 70%
- BE Electronique numérique et VHDL / BE digital electronics and VHDL: 35%
- BE informatique industrielle / BE industrial computer science: 35%
Evaluation Rattrapable (ER) / ER assessment : partie informatique industrielle / industrial computing part :30%
- Contrôles individuels en temps limité en séance / Individual tests in limited time in class
Session de rattrapage / Second session:
La note de session de rattrapage remplace la note de ER. Le EN n'est pas rattrapable/ The new mark will replace the first one (ER). No resitting for the EN exam.

EN 70% + ER 30%


The course exists in the following branches:

see the course schedule for 2023-2024

Additional Information

Course ID : 4EU7ENS9
Course language(s): FR

You can find this course among all other courses.


Real time systems :
- Auteur : Jane W. S. Liu
- Editeur : Pentice Hall

Structured computer organization :
- Auteur : M. Tanenbaum
- Editeur : Prentice Hall

Principe d'électronique :
- Auteur : Albert Paul Malvino,
- Éditeur : Dunod,
- ISBN 2-10-005810-X

Circuits fondamentaux de l'électronique analogique :
• Auteur : TRAN TIEN Lang,
• Éditeur : Lavoisier Tech&doc,
• ISBN 2-7430-0099-6