Ense3 rubrique Formation 2022

Team Project - 4EUS4PRO

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 2.0
    • Projects 56.0
    • Tutorials 2.0
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works -
    • Written tests -


    ECTS 5.0


The main objective of this engineering project is to carry out an engineering design study by learning about project management in a group:

  • analysing a need based on an open problem
  • to know how to make a state of the art, a technological watch, a bibliographical study
  • designing a solution to meet a technical need
  • know how to implement the school's main subjects
  • to show initiative, entrepreneurship and innovation
  • implement project management (group management, resource management, implementation of the GoP methodology)




The project topics are very varied from one year to the next, but each student following a course of study (trade course or international master's degree) will have the opportunity to work on a theme close to those addressed in his or her course of study.

The language is defined in a project file sent to students following a call for projects. Students will thus be able to integrate a project in which the language of use will be either French or English, or both, depending on the needs expressed in the project file and the composition of the student group. The final presentation can be made either in English or in French but with a summary in English.

  • 120 hours of project / student (approximately 8 hours per week * 15 weeks)
  • 4 hours for the project management course (2 hours of lectures + 2 hours of TD)
  • Several specific training courses (bibliographical research, FabLAB, finance, etc.).
  • 3 reports :
    • 1 project management report (group report)
    • 1 technical report including a summary (group report)
    • 1 evaluation of the competences developed in the project (individual report)
  • Defence: 25 min presentation + 30 min questions
  • Innovation Challenge: 1 minute video presentation of your engineering project + 1 pitch


Compulsory courses in the field of study (depending on the project topic).


  • Specific credits: this course brings 6.0 ECTS to students in Semester S8 - M1 HCE

Continuous assessment (CC) only, no make-up for this course.

The assessment is based on different criteria:

  • Your work: the mark will be given by the laboratory/company tutor.
  • The quality of the report before the oral defense.
  • Your ability to manage the project (project management report + oral presentation)
  • The quality of your project defence

The personal work is mainly devoted to the progress of the project.

CC 100%


The course exists in the following branches:

see the course schedule for 2023-2024

Additional Information

Course ID : 4EUS4PRO
Course language(s): FR FR

You can find this course among all other courses.